Become a Donor

2025 Festival Donors

Christine Amen and Louise Nixon
Becky Currin and Lee Ann Manning
Sharolyn Grant
Elizabeth Hamilton
Fran and Walter Holder
DeWitt and Geoff Kierstead
David Miner
Brad Moss and Rex Welton
Shannon Rosato
James Sands and Dirk Robertson

2024 Festival Donors

Mary and Cal Adams

Frank Benedetti and Gary Trowbridge

Robert Beseda

Davide Bianchi

Mark Biggam

James Allen Broach

Stephanie Brown

Doug Chapman

Mary Craven

Chelsea Cullen

Anne Cullen

Max Cullen

Dean Culler

Rebecca Currin and Lee Ann Manning

Rob Davis

Loretta DeLoggio

Mary Dossinger

Felipe Edmiston

Zack Fox

Sharolyn Grant*

Tim Gupton and Brent Moore

David & Cathy Harris

Doug and Sue Henderson

Keith Hilton

Kim Hobin and Mitch Spindel

Fran and Walter Holder*

Julie and Warren Hutton

Michael Isley and Kevin Mundy

Mary Jamis

Frank Johnson

Diane Lackey

Adrienne Livengood

Amy da Luz

David Miner

Debbie Marshall

Morgan Masencup

Steven Montgomery

Brad Moss and Rex Welton

Louise Nixon and Christine Amen

Louise Pollard

Steve and Frances Porter

Cathy and Er Ralston

Rob Davis

Dirk Robertson and James Sands

Lizabeth Schoenheit

David and Piper Shannon

Del Shores

Betty Simpson

Timothy Stickle

Howard Upchurch and John Hoemann

Bruce and Liz Walley

Rick Wicker and Jim Knight

J.D. and Janie Wilson

*2025 Festival Donor