Online sales end the night before each screening. Tickets will be sold at the door starting one hour before screening time. For questions please call Rex at: 336.918.0902
Using Edie Windsor’s case as the catalyst, this rousing documentary takes a closer look at the metamorphosis of marriage equality in America. The film chronicles unlikely heroes octogenarian Edie Windsor and her attorney, Roberta Kaplan, on their quest for justice. The love story of Edie Windsor and Thea Spyer captivated the LGBTQ community leading up to and since their 2007 wedding in Toronto. Their story, however, was far from over. When Thea passed away in 2009, Edie was faced with a monstrous estate tax bill, the federal government firmly denying benefits to same-sex couples. So began the fight again.
Online sales end the night before each screening. Tickets will be sold at the door starting one hour before screening time. For questions please call Rex at: 336.918.0902
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